




除此以外,紀工會以「影像知識扎根社會」自期自勉,持續以影展及影像教育跟民眾溝通。至今陸續舉辦/承辦有「在一起過影」、第一至九屆「攝區二三事徵件競賽」、「紀生在三街影像培力課程」、「影像大同課程」、「Puts Sound兩岸搖滾影像聯展」、「紀錄片後製教學課程」、「紀工影展」、「影像興樂園」、「人權影展」、「桃園城市紀錄片徵選暨培訓活動」等系列活動。我們期待紀錄片產業由內而外得到重視與發展,得到更多民眾的關注,並且會繼續團結紀錄片工作者的力量。

About Us

The Taipei Documentary Filmmakers' Union was officially established on September 9, 2006 and is Taiwan's first independent union initiated by documentary workers. The union's mission is to safeguard the basic labor rights of documentary workers, elevate the professional standards of documentary in Taiwan, and promote the development of the documentary industry. Its members include professionals from different generations in the field of documentary filmmaking, such as directors, producers, film critiques, composers, and curators, and more. The union consists of 12 directors and supervisors, as well as 3 full-time staff members, who are responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of various union activities.

The Taipei Documentary Filmmakers' Union is united under the banner of 'Documentary workers are also laborers'. Through the organization of the union, we aim to build collective strength to address the challenges related to labor rights, intellectual property rights, and gender equality that documentary filmmakers face due to their position within the labor structure.

The union now provides services such as labor and health insurance, legal consultations, space rentals, and contract templates. We also regularly hold 'Documentary Filmmakers' Happy Hour', which is a series of gatherings and talks about the documentary industry. Besides, the union regularly publishes the 'Taiwan Documentary E-Paper' and conducts interviews with documentary workers. To date, the union has also published two books: Love, Hate, and Emotions in Documentary: Interviews with Taiwan's Middle Generation Documentary Directors (2009) and Beyond the Frame: A Portrait of Taiwan's Documentary Landscape (2012). The union continues to delve into the realm of documentary filmmaking through diversified forms and cultivates solidarity within the industry. In 2014, during Taiwan's Sunflower Movement, the union initiated a collective documentation project, inviting documentary workers to record the significant social event through film making. Subsequently, we established the 'Sunflower Image and Video Database', archiving visuals for continued usage. In recent years, the union has also dedicated efforts to 'Beyond Completion I & II: Studies on the Distribution and Marketing of Taiwanese Documentaries', a research project on the distribution and marketing experience of Taiwan's documentaries.

In addition to uniting the collective strength of documentary workers to address their labor rights issues, intellectual property issues and gender rights issues, the union also aims to attract more public attention to documentaries. With the motto 'Cultivating Visual Knowledge through Engaging the Society,' the union also engages in public discussions through organizing film festivals and visual education lectures and activities, this includes 'Something about Community Documentary Competition', 'Doc Makers Workshop at 3rd Street', 'Image TATUNG Program', 'Puts Sound + Film Coalition Festival', 'Documentary Post-production Program', 'Doc Union Film Festival', 'HSINema', 'Taiwan International Human Rights Festival', 'Action Taoyuan,' and more. The union hopes to foster a deeper understanding to the industry from within and beyond.

● 更多資訊,請詳見工會章程