第11屆首爾國際新媒體節 徵件

The 11th Seoul International NewMedia Festival

Submission Date 2011. 4.11(Mon) ~ 5.30(Mon)
Festival Date 2011. 8.04(Thu) ~ 8.14(Sun)

Please come and show off your creative and experimental masterpieces through NeMaf2011.
NeMaf 2011, sharing various ways of playing with Media, is expecting all the great and fantastic creations (to be summitted).
 1. Entry Conditions
- NeMaf2011 welcomes all the media-based forms of works from various genres. Especially, we are seeking for experimental, alternative and creative expressions that would impress us.
- Eligibility of video formats are CD(Sound, Net arts), DVD, HDV, DV and DV-CAM (NTSC format).

2. Programs you can participate
 (1) International Competitive Film Festival
- Alternative film, Video poem, Visual rhythm, Dance video, Single channel video art, Single channel media art, Underground media art, Video activism, Kitsch cinema, Video diary, Documentaries, Animations, Narrative/Non-Narrative films and etc.
- All genres are acceptable if they are suitable for screening, regardless of running time and production date.
- No limitation on running time & produced year.

(2) International Competitive Exhibition
- Media Performances, media arts, net arts, sound arts and etc. We accept all the alternative media-based work that can be exhibited in the area of 1.8m*1.8m, regardless of original production date.
- The artists are responsible for the installation of the work as well as taking down the work after the show.

3. Submission Deadline
The submission deadline for selection purposes, which means the deadline for the Festival's office to receive the required submission materials, is May 30, 2011 for the Seoul International NewMedia festival. The Festival is not obliged to view late entries.

4. How to submit
Entry of a film must be made on the official entry form that can be downloaded on the website (www.nemaf.net). A duly completed entry form with 2 preview DVDs(or CDs) and other materials indicated on Entry Form must be sent to the address below. (Application without your signature will not be acceptable)

Seoul International NewMedia Festival
2F, 330-1 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-836 South Korea
Tel : +82.2.337.2870   Fax : +82.2.337.2856   E-mail : nemafest@gmail.com

5. You need to submit
 (1) International Competitive Film Festival
 A complete and duly signed entry form (A4 size format, bounded)
 Video preview : 2 Preview DVDs
 Data DVD(or CD)
- Director's photo, more than two stills of the work (300dpi)
- All the pictures should be JPEG format and should be titled the exact name of the work and director.

 (2) International Competitive Exhibition
 A complete and duly signed entry form (A4 size format, bounded)
- Video : 2 Preview DVDs
- Sound Arts : 2 Preview CDs or DVDs
- Net Arts : 2 Preview CDs or DVDs
- All the works intended to participate in International Competitive Exhibition are required to be submitted with a document that can describe their installation view if it is possible.
 Data DVD(or CD)
- Director's photo, more than two stills of the work (300dpi)
- For sound work: please attach program logo
- All the pictures should be JPEG format and should be titled the exact name of the work and director.

6. Inquiry
TEL. 02-337-2870 | FAX. 02-337-2856

7. Notice
(1) Please mark the information (title, director/artist's name, running time, e-mail address) on the cover of the CD or DVD
(2) Do not submit your original works since we don't return them
(3) If you submit more than one, please fill the Entry form for each works.
(4) The works will be evaluated and selected by an outside the Board of Advisors that are comprised of notable filmmakers and industry luminaries.
(5) The result will be posted in the festival website(www.nemaf.net), 17:00, 17th June 2011.
(6) All the works will not be returned.
(7) If the languages in your work are not Korean or English, please include English subtitles and submit English dialogue list. Also, if the language is English, please submit with script or dialogue list.
(8) Nemaf does not support any of flight/accommodation expenses for the selected artists.
(9) We do not pay for the postal expenses.

Host organization I-GONG

The host organization of Nemaf2010 is Alternative Visual Culture Factory I-GONG was established at 1999 in South Korea. A non-profit art organization I-GONG contributes for experimental art/film of women/minorities through showing various genres of alternative videos at the ‘Media Theater I-GONG’. I-GONG actively runs to enlarge a boundary of the alternative films and arts.

 *nemaf2010 info.

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