紀工聚會 9/14(一) 紀錄片國際參展攻略Film Festival Strategy for Your Doc



本場紀工聚會邀請發行、參展經驗豐富的Irena Taskovski

There are as many film festivals as there are films, how do you know which film festivals are the best ones for you, or which festivals can maximize exposure for your film? With limited funds and resources, how do you package your film to appeal to the widest audience possible?

Join Taipei Documentary Filmmakers’ Union as we explore the film festival landscape with Irena Taskovski of Taskovski Films, where she will share her marketing, distribution, film festival insight and experiences with filmmakers ready to tackle the festival circuit!

報名表單Sing up here: https://goo.gl/xrH06W

Sponsored by Boan 84

時間:9/14 (一) 18:30-21:30
講者:Irena Taskovski艾瑞娜塔思柯基
主持人:Diana Chiawen Lee李嘉雯
Date & Time: 09.14(Mon.) 6.30-9.30 pm
Location: Boan 84 (No.84, Bao’an St., Datong Dist., Taipei City)
Lecturer: Irena Taskovski
Case Study: TPE-Tics by Jessica Wan-Yu LIN, 8000 Miles from Hip Hop by Kuang-Chong Yu, Millets Back Home by Sayun Simung
Moderator: Diana Chiawen Lee
Fees: Regular for $100, Students for $50, DocUnion Members & Taipei City Citizens for free.


艾瑞娜塔思柯基Irena Taskovski
Originally from Bosnia, Irena studied at Prague Film Academy (FAMU). She has also studied at the Sam Spiegel Film Scool in Jerusalem and obtained a Master degree from National Film & TV School, London.
Irena acts as CEO & founder of Taskovski Films Ltd.  London & Berlin based  world sales  and Production Company of independent documentary and fiction films. Since  2013 Irena has been working as external consultant / expert on marketing, sales and festivals for many film institutions eg. HBO Europe, Asian Cinema Fund, Taiwan Film Institut etc.
 Taskovski films welcome innovative, playful and risky forms of filmmaking capable of engaging and surprising audiences around the globe, with a passion to discover new talent and authorial stories in fields of history, society, justice, environment, and politics, while still maintaining high criteria when it comes to production value, content and form.


Diana Chiawen Lee李嘉雯
台裔美國製片,畢業於紐約新學院大學媒體研究碩士,具有15多年的電影產業經驗。正在製作的紀錄片包括:《我和我的T媽媽》(台), 《捕鰻的人》(台),《Stolen: Lives in Exile》(美),《24號大街》(中)。也經常擔任紀錄片工作坊講師與製作、行銷、發行顧問。在美國曾擔任過Women Make Movies 製作人,Arts Engine 的經理,人權觀察協會國際影展製作與策展人,紐約亞美國際影展的策展人。
Diana is a documentary film producer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. She has several films in various stages of production in Taiwan, US and China. Diana frequently sits on panels, conducts workshops, and consults on documentary film productions, distribution and marketing. Prior to being a producer, Diana worked for leading media arts institutions including Women Make Movies, Arts Engine, Human Rights Watch, and the NY Asian American International Film Festival.

│案例分享Case Study

台灣Taiwan | 2015 | Colour | 68 min.

HUANG Da-wang, a.k.a. Black Wolf or Yingfan-Psalmanazar, is known as the walking Wikipedia of music in Taiwan’s sound/performance art scene. Da-wang has developed a distinctive style of electronic noise and improvisation. His “Black Wolf Nakashi” show mixes music genres and combines his unique rapping, singing, and dancing. His performances are splendid, but he still sees himself as a loser.
This film follows him closely, observing the links between his daily life and creations, shuttling in the city with him, from bedroom to ruins, from sound to body.

導演介紹Director:林婉玉Jessica WanYu LIN 
Jessica is an independent filmmaker born in 1984. She is currently a documentary filmmaker and video designer. Jessica often collaborates with sound art performers, choreographers, and theatre artists, including Shu-Yi and dancers, Very Mainstream Studio, and Kandala Records. Jessica is particularly interested in arts and culture outside of the mainstream, as well as different values of living.

屌人 8000 Miles from Hip Hop
芬蘭 Finland | 2014 | Colour | 80 min.

Four Chinese wannabe gangster rappers imitate their heroes Cypress Hill while trying to break it in censored Chinese music market, not knowing the harsh reality awaiting to betray their dreams. It shows the same dilemma that the young people share regardless of where they come from. When is the time to realize that maybe your dream doesn't come true after all?

導演介紹Director:于光中Kuang-Chong Yu 
文化大學影劇系畢業,從事流行音樂工作十多年,主要詞作如王力宏〈不可能錯過你〉,徐懷鈺〈妙妙妙〉,杜德偉〈情人〉等三百餘首。2008開始獨力拍攝紀錄片《屌人》,入選第一屆紀錄片健檢工作坊,展開與製片Janne Niskala的合作,並獲芬蘭電影基金會等挹注超過11萬歐元,目前有多個拍攝案在進行。
Kuang-Chong Yu is a renowned A&R person, a producer and a lyricist in the Mandarin pop music industry. The meeting with the band West Hill has not only been a chance to progress his musical career but also a chance to turn himself into a first time filmmaker. He began working on several documentary projects in 2008. His directorial debut ‘8000 Miles from Hip Hop’ is nominated for Best Documentary at the Taipei Film Award 2015.

好久不見德拉奇 Millets Back Home
台灣Taiwan | 2013 | Colour | 72 min.

Yaki (Tayal language: means “grandmother”) Yabon is the eldest in the Sqoyaw Village, which is the furtherst and the highest place in Taichung City. The story begins with Yaki Yabon, who sows millets only from memory, and soon recovers the traditional culture.
 Three different families in the village weave touching storiesby pulling each other constantly with the social reality of “home” and “loss of the traditional culture”, which plays out in real life.

導演介紹Director:莎韻西孟  Sayun Simung 
Born in 1982, as a Tayal of the Huanshan Tribe, Sayun is from Hoping village, Taichung County. She spent her childhood in the tribe and was nurtured by Tayal culture. However, her ethnic consciousness had not been raised until she became a journalist at 23. She worked at the Taiwan Indigenous Television and Era News where interviewed, wrote news stories and produced features during that time. She was also in charge of project planning for documentaries and wrote columns for the indigenous youth magazine. Sayun graduated from the Department of Radio and Television, National Taiwan University of Arts, and pays close attention to the issues affecting aboriginal lives and land rights. She loves traveling and presenting the issues she cares about by integrating images and writings.

- 2013 Canada Biindigaate Indigenous Film Festival Closing Film
- 2013 UK London Native Spirit Selecte
- 2015 Japan Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival - New Asia Currents

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