2018世界公視大展精選 Best of INPUT #11月9日在台北盛大開幕!

2018世界公視大展精選 Best of INPUT #11月9日在台北盛大開幕!】


11/9-11 台北市立大學(博愛校區)中正堂,11/16-18 高雄市立圖書總館際會廳,12/14-16 台中市政府集會堂;
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#台中網路訂票於 #1126日 開始!


Best of INPUT 2018


1. 該屎的抗生素 Pano: How Damaging are Antibiotics?

比利時│荷語區法蘭德斯公共廣電│調查報導│37 分鐘│導演:希薾德‧蒂‧ 凡特、魯多‧伯倫 Belgium│VRT│Investigative Reportage│37 min│Directors: Hilde De Windt, Ludo Bollen

抗生素會對人體產生多大傷害? 美國知名微生物及抗生素專家馬丁‧ 布雷瑟提出警告:「長期使用抗生素明顯會造成氣喘、肥胖、糖尿病 及提高食物過敏罹病率。」比利時公共電視記者彼得‧柏斯決定以自 己為實驗對象,測試抗生素對於腸胃的破壞是否有機會修復,這將會 是醫藥界最特別、最「屎」無前例的一場實驗!

How damaging can antibiotics be? Our healthy and fit Pano reporter Peter Brems did the test and took a full course. He was not alone. Belgians lead the pack when it comes to taking powerful medicines. The famous US microbiologist and antibiotics expert Martin Blaser warns: 'The long-term impact is becoming clear: asthma, obesity, diabetes and food allergies are on the rise'. Can the damage to our reporter's intestines caused by strong antibiotics be repaired? We created a unique, medical experiment. It is a medical world first and could create quite a stink!


2. 藥罐男孩 Sickboy

加拿大│加拿大廣電公司│紀錄片│44 分鐘│導演:安德魯‧馬克科梅克 Canada│CBC│Documentary│43 min│Director: Andrew MacCormack

加拿大年輕男孩傑瑞米患有囊腫性纖維化症,每天仰賴噴霧呼吸器及 數十種藥錠維持身體機能。他曾被醫生判定活不過 25 歲,但如今他 29 歲,不但結了婚,還和兩位摯友¬經營起網路廣播節目 “Sickboy”,邀請同樣深受癌症、憂鬱、癲癇等疾病長期折磨卻仍努 力奮鬥的抗病戰士,上節目分享抗病日記,希望藉此改變大眾對重症 疾病的看法。

Jeremie Saunders grew up in Halifax dealing with Cystic Fibrosis, with a daily routine that involves using an atomizer, and taking dozens of prescription pills. He was diagnosed as a baby. His parents were told he would not see his 25th birthday. He married his wife, Bryde, both knowing that the disease has left him sterile. The film traces the efforts by 29-yearold Jeremie and two closest friends, Brian Stever and Taylor MacGillivray, to create Sickboy, an irreverent Internet radio podcast aimed at changing the way people view serious illness like cancer, depression and epilepsy.  


1. 橙劑風暴 A Continuous Journey

越南│越南國家電視台│紀錄片│49 分鐘│ 導演:阮氏燕、劉懷安 Vietnam│VTV│Documentary│49 min│Director: Nguyen Thi Yen,  Luu Hoai An

續為退伍美軍及越南平民帶來莫大的痛苦,每個受害家庭上演令人鼻 酸的故事。正義,往往在法庭上被漠視,他們鍥而不捨的公義旅程, 是否能盼到真相大白、正義遲來的那一天?越南國家電視台(VTV)首次深度揭發這場橙劑風暴所帶來跨世紀、跨世代的影響…

This is a documentary with valuable journalistic materials which for the very first time explain the case of American and Vietnamese victims of
Agent Orange at depth. It looks at the attacks and their consequences. The film offers information and interviews from both sides, telling the true stories of victims of Agent Orange in a compelling narration giving
authentic details. The film is filled with pain, but it also delivers a strong message about the desire for justice and the belief that truth, somehow, will finally prevail if we do not give up.


2. 東京黑洞 Tokyo Black Hole: Year Zero in Post-WWII Japan

日本│日本放送協會│紀錄片│50 分鐘│導演:貴志 謙介、森内 貞雄 Japan│NHK│Documentary│50 min│Director: Kensuke Kishi, Sadao Moriuchi

生活在 21 世紀的日本年輕人穿越時空到訪 1945「戰後元年」的東京, 見證戰爭留下的痕跡。他遊走當年被稱為「東京租界」的六本木、銀 座等駐日盟軍根據地,看到盟軍妓院、黑市商戶等無法無天的世界。 透過許多未曾公開的戰後影片,結合影像技術,本片帶你看見當時美 軍如何發掘日軍藏匿的物資、黃金,也看到海外和國內野心家,如何 伸延出各種新興商業,從而推動戰後東京的高速發展,打造出當今的 日本首都。

A young Japanese man, Takeshi, from the 21st century travels back in time to “Year Zero” of post-WWⅡTokyo. Through his experiences and encounters, the documentary reveals how the 1945 Tokyo swallowed people, materials and money like a black hole. With newly discovered footage, shot by the American occupation forces and private individuals, incorporated in Takeshi’s journey, we see how the desperate people of a ruined city laid the foundations of the Japanese capital of today. 


1. 阿米爾罕的眼淚 The Snake Charmer

希臘│半島電視台│紀錄片│57 分鐘│導演: 尼娜‧瑪莉亞‧琵熙卡莉杜 Greece│Al Jazeera│Documentary│57 min│Director: Nina Maria Paschalidou

印度天王阿米爾罕為當今寶萊塢最具影響力演員,印度電影因時常在 鏡頭前消費女性、助長性暴力而被詬病,阿米爾罕早期的銀幕形象更 被用來代表追求復仇的男子漢氣概。本片記錄了他嘗試扭轉女性困境 的努力,包括他製作主持知名節目《真相訪談》(Satyamev Jayate), 將印度女性長久以來面臨的家暴及不平等待遇搬上檯面,更於 2017 年演出電影《我和我的冠軍女兒》(Dangal),盼顛覆傳統對女性的角 色期待。

Aamir Khan is one of the leading Bollywood actors in India today. He became a star of Hindi cinema in the 1980’s, and his films have been the highest grossing Bollywood films of all time. Until recently, Khan was used to portraying macho men on a quest for vengeance and belonged to an industry accused of encouraging sexual violence against women. The documentary follows Aamir Khan on a journey through India’s TV and Bollywood film industry, from the set of “Satyamev Jayate”, to the filming of his new Bollywood blockbuster “Dangal”, as he attempts to change the way Indians perceive and treat women. 

2. 穿裙子的英雄老爸 Denial: The Dad That Wanted to Save the World

美國│世界頻道│紀錄片│57 分鐘│ 導演:德瑞克‧哈爾奎斯特 United States│WORLD Channel│Documentary│57 min│Director: Derek Hallquist

本片導演德瑞克‧哈爾奎斯特將鏡頭聚焦在自己的父親戴夫‧哈爾奎 斯特。戴夫是佛蒙特州一間電力公司執行長,稱自己為「未出櫃的環 保人士」,他主張打造一個透明化的電力公司,讓人瞭解美國的發電 模式、電力配送及其對氣候變遷的影響。過程中,戴夫意識到他必須 將此透明化標準也放在自己身上。鏡頭前,一位身處男性主導產業並 以強硬手腕著稱的執行長,首次在兒子的鏡頭下傾訴,他內心其實嚮 往成為一個女人…

Denial follows the story of Dave Hallquist, CEO of a Vermont electric utility, seen through the lens of his filmmaker son Derek. As a selfdescribed "closet environmentalist”, Hallquist is dedicated to addressing the way electricity use in America contributes to climate change. As Hallquist struggles to build the kind of transparent company whose honest approach can get stakeholders to accept the realities of how we generate and deliver electricity, he realizes he must apply that same transparency to his personal life and reveals to his son a lifelong secret. Dave Hallquist, who is presented as a chainsaw-wielding, hardhat-wearing CEO in a male-dominated industry, is a woman inside.



1. 我的爺奶同學 Old People's Home for 4 Year Olds

英國│英國第四頻道│知識綜藝節目│60 分鐘│導演: 班傑明‧雷伊、 翠理希‧鮑威爾 United Kingdom│Channel 4│Infotainment Series│60 min│Director: Benjamin Leigh, Trish Powell

10 位四歲的幼稚園孩童將養老院作為他們的新教室,與 11 位年過八 十的退休老人共同進行各式各樣的活動,為原本平淡的養老生活注入 許多歡笑與趣味。經過六週的相處後,這些退休班的「爺奶同學」是 否會因為四歲小孩的青春活力,再一次年輕起來?

If 4 year olds and 84 year olds work and play together, will it improve the health and happiness of the older group? Ten pre-schoolers welcome 11 pensioners into their classroom. This social experiment attempts to dramatically improve the health and well-being of retirement communities by bringing together eleven older residents with a group of ten four year old pre-school children for six weeks, as they share daily activities designed by a team of experts who measure and analyze the older group's physical and mental progress.  

2. 老媽的便利貼 I'm Somewhere - Living with a Memory Disorder

芬蘭│芬蘭公視│紀錄片│58 分鐘│導演:荰拉·瑞亞瓦拉 Finland│Yle│Documentary│58min│Director: Tuula Rajavaara

多年來,芬蘭公視的記者杜菈用鏡頭記錄她患有阿茲海默症的母親愛 里的日常生活,鏡頭下的愛里,對生活總充滿永無止盡的喜悅。導演 希望透過本片消弭社會對失憶症患者的刻板印象,一份診斷報告並不 等於人生的盡頭就此拍板定案。杜菈常常為了打理母親的生活而疲憊 不堪,所幸幽默總是讓這些焦慮的時刻變得輕鬆許多。

What’s absurd everyday life like with no short-term memory? For years, journalist Tuula Rajavaara recorded her mother Aili Rajavaara suffering from a memory disorder. The focus is on Aili and her endless joy of life. She wants to remove the stigma on memory disorders and show life won’t end with the diagnosis. Managing life with her is the frustrated daughter, Tuula. Bubbly humour makes anxious moments easier. Together, mother and daughter tackle the evermore surreal everyday life. 

3. 我家的菲姑娘 The Truth About Our Au Pair

丹麥│丹麥第二電視臺│紀錄片│40 分鐘│導演:歐力·雍克 Denmark│TV2 Denmark│Documentary│40 min│Director: Ole Juncker

「互惠生」(au pair)制度,原指外國年輕人為學習外語與文化而住進 當地人家裡,並以照顧孩子或做家務換取食宿和小額報酬,但近年在 丹麥卻淪為富有人家中的廉價幫傭。本片記錄三位丹麥女主人跟著家 中的菲律賓互惠生回到她們的家鄉,巨大的貧富差異及文化衝擊使她 們震驚不已,媽媽們最真實的反應在鏡頭前,一一被捕捉出來…

What happens when three well off women/mothers from a western country are sent to the rural Philippines to experience the life of their au pair and their families. For many years the au pair scheme in Denmark (which is meant to be cultural exchange for young people) has been accused of just being a way for the rich to get low paid maid. For the first time in Denmark a documentary filmmaker was given permission to film both the host families' lives and the au pair girls' lives for a longer period of time.  


1. 希望旅行社 Human Smugglers

丹麥│丹麥廣電協會│紀錄片│59 分鐘│ 導演:保羅-艾瑞克·海布思、 喬治·拉森 Denmark│DR│Documentary│59 min│Director: Poul-Erik Heilbuth,  Georg Larsen

2010 年阿拉伯之春爆發,戰火肆虐中東各國,短短幾年內,數以萬計 的難民湧入歐洲。經手非法移民的偷渡集團儼然成為全球最大旅行社 之一,他們販賣希望給追求安穩生活的難民,是歐洲政府在面對非法 移民上首要對付的勁敵。從製作假證件到客製化偷渡路線,本片首次 帶領大家從走私販子的視角,一窺偷渡集團的產業秘辛。

For the first-time human smugglers, will reveal - on camera - the secrets of their trade. We offer an inside and real picture of the industry that has brought millions of migrants to Europe within a short span of years. When European Politicians promise to put an end to the uncontrolled and illegal influx, this is the force that they are up against. An astonishing insight to how one of the largest travel agencies in the World – human smugglers - operate: offering tailor-made travel arrangements to individuals and groups according to their financial potential, producing false documents and insight to different routes and departure beaches.  

2. 流浪到瑞典 Grotesco: The Refugee Crisis - A Musical

瑞典│瑞典公共廣播電視│政治類喜劇│30 分鐘│ 導演:邁克爾·林格倫 Sweden│SVT│Political Comedy│30 min│Director: Mike Lindgren

長年的敘利亞內戰與中東衝突,在 2015 年出現大量難民湧向歐洲, 給各國帶來經濟與社會的挑戰。許多民族主義者藉此豎起反移民旗 幟,但歐洲民間社會也同時有不小的聲浪支持人道救援。《流浪到瑞 典》別出心裁將此龐大且嚴肅的議題以音樂劇呈現,將該時期瑞典政 府與民間的多方意見,譜成一段段生動優美的歌舞劇,用音樂領你進 入國際政治世界。

Europe saw an enormous influx of refugees in 2015, as a result of the war in Syria and other conflicts. The great influx of refugees created a lot of tension in European societies strengthening nationalist populist opinion, but also mobilizing civil society in solidarity movements of help and support. The Swedish comedy group Grotesco have created a short musical about this period, from the perspective of Swedish politics and public opinion. The program addresses the issue of the mass flight from Syria in 2015 and how Sweden and the other European countries handled it. A very serious topic turned to perfect humor in the form of a musical.

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