自 2023 年 10 月 7 日以來,以色列政府以討伐哈瑪斯為名,向加薩人民進行報復性的無差別攻擊轟炸。在此過程中,巴勒斯坦死亡人數達以色列的二十倍之多。雖然 2024 年 3 月 25 日聯合國安理會已經通過明確要求立即施行停火的決議,但以色列依舊未停止其對加薩平民的持續屠殺與無差別攻擊。
以色列在巴勒斯坦造成的大量平民傷亡,正在飽受國際社會的激烈抨擊。半年來的連續轟炸與攻擊,已造成加薩至少 74,694 人受傷、至少 32,333 人死亡,死亡者當中包含超過一萬三千多名兒童,以及接近一萬多名婦女。加薩的人民正在被轟炸、被射殺、或是被餓死、病死。二十一世紀的種族滅絕正進行「死亡直播」中。以色列軍隊使用白磷彈,堂而皇之地漠視《禁止化學武器公約》禁令。而對兒童、記者、醫護人員及障礙者的無差別謀殺也已違反了《日內瓦公約》等國際法。以色列軍隊在加薩投下的炸彈摧毀了無數的清真寺、教堂、學校、民宅、救護車、醫院、診所,使得加薩變成廢墟。
與此同時,以色列截斷人道物資、燃料、食物及飲水等供給,直接導致加薩至少五十萬人處於饑荒,而這些饑荒人口也已瀕臨死亡;缺乏醫療與營養的狀況下,百分之九十的五歲以下兒童已罹患感染疾病,甚至有兒童因營養不良而死亡。聯合國及其下屬的糧農組織等已批評以色列將饑餓作為戰爭武器,並出具報告預估加薩 ⅔ 人口將很快面臨「災難性饑荒」。此外,截至 2023 年底已有約 2500 名巴勒斯坦人遭到以色列任意非法監禁,未經過起訴與任何司法程序,形同人質。
根據聯合國 1948 年《防止及懲治滅絕種族罪公約》(CPPCG)對種族滅絕的定義,種族滅絕是指「蓄意全面或局部消滅某一民族、人種、種族或宗教團體」。現任以色列總統赫佐格自己曾表示:「(巴勒斯坦)他們整個國家都要(為哈瑪斯)負責。」所謂「對抗恐怖主義組織哈瑪斯」,不過是以色列的藉口,其真正的目的是將巴勒斯坦人從居住地上連根拔除。為此,南非向聯合國司法機關國際法院(ICJ)提吿以色列犯下「種族滅絕」罪行,而以色列也正接受調查。
很多台灣人都以為這是一場遠在天邊的戰爭。然而,我們的政府正逐步把台灣捲入這場大屠殺之中。自 10 月 7 日開戰以來,台灣政府一直都站在以色列的一方:不只是偏頗性地只有對以色列的死傷平民致上哀悼與關切,在 2023 年 10 月 23 日,台灣駐以色列代表甚至對以色列捐贈人道物資及資金;並在 2024 年 3 月 14 日甚至捐贈 50 萬美金予以色列地方政府。與此同時,台灣政府未對以色列所進行的大屠殺發表過任何批評,更沒有對巴勒斯坦人民進行援助。
2024 年 2 月 23 日,民進黨籍立法委員鍾佳濱發起「台灣與以色列國會議員聯誼會」,使得台灣與以色列得以進行更深入的雙邊關係與實質合作,這不但延續了台灣政府一貫以來對以色列的包庇立場,甚至可能將台灣中小企業收編為屠殺機器的一部分,把優良的台灣廠商與屠殺政權以色列媒合在一起。目前,台灣已經有大量廠商,包括伊諾瓦、榮鋼、精鋼、研華、圓裕、凌華、上銀、益捷、漢翔、千附、全訊、燁鋒、雷虎等,在為美國及以色列生產武器零件。也就是說,在加薩進行攻擊的 F-35 戰機、F-16 戰機、無人機、軍用電腦等,有極大機會都有「台灣製造」的部件與關鍵技術。台灣人所生產的零件,正被運用在加薩屠殺中作為殺戮巴勒斯坦平民、婦女與兒童的殺人兇器。
台灣巴勒斯坦自由連線 TWAFP
Since October 7, 2023, under the guise of targeting Hamas, the Israeli government has launched retaliatory, indiscriminate bombings against the people of Gaza. In the following months, the death toll among Palestinians has surpassed twenty times that of Israelis. In response, the United Nations Security Council had passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire on March 25, 2024. The Israeli government, however, remained resolute on its warpath of massacre and indiscriminate onslaught.
The Israeli military's use of white phosphorus munitions is a blatant violation of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The indiscriminate killings of children, journalists, medical personnel, and persons with disabilities further demonstrated Israeli infraction against established international norms, including the Geneva Conventions. The bombs dropped by the Israeli military in Gaza have destroyed numerous mosques, churches, schools, residential buildings, ambulances, hospitals, and clinics, turning Gaza into a desolate wasteland.
Israel has cut off humanitarian supplies, fuel, food, and drinking water, directly contributing to a crisis of fatal famine faced by at least 500,000 people in Gaza. Due to the shortfall of medical care and nutrition, ninety percent of children under five years old have contracted preventable diseases while others perished from malnutrition. The United Nations and its agencies, including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), have criticized Israel for weaponizing hunger, and have issued reports estimating that two-thirds of Gaza's population will soon face "catastrophic famine."
Additionally, by the end of 2023, approximately 2,500 Palestinians had been arbitrarily and unlawfully held hostage by Israel, without being charged or given any due process.
The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) had defined genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." With a statement from Israeli President Herzog himself “They (the entirety of Palestine) have to pay (for Hamas)”, it is evident that “fight against the terrorist organization Hamas” is merely a façade for the true purpose of Israel: to uproot the Palestinian people from their homeland. Consequently, South Africa has brought charges against Israel for committing acts of genocide to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and Israel is currently under investigation.
On February 23, 2024, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Chung Chia-pin initiated the “Taiwan-Israel Congressional Association,” incentivizing deeper bilateral relations and substantive cooperation between Taiwan and Israel. This not only sustains Taiwan's consistent stance of appeasing Israel but potentially functions as an integrating platform for Taiwanese small and medium-sized enterprises, and the Israeli massacre machinery. Currently, Taiwan has a large number of companies, including Enova, Gloria Material Technology (GMTC), S-Tech (STC), Advantech, Complex Micro Interconnection, ADLINK, HIWIN, E-JAT Aviation Technology, Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), Chenfull International, Transcom, Ye Fong Aluminium, Thunder Tiger, and others, that are producing weapon components for the United States and Israel. In other words, components and critical technologies “made in Taiwan” have been used in the F-35 fighter jets, F-16 fighter jets, drones, and military computers deployed in attacks on Gaza. Components produced by Taiwanese people are being used in Gaza in weapons that are slaughtering Palestinian civilians, women, and children.
All nations, regardless of their size and power, are promoting solutions and exploring ways to stop this genocide in Gaza. In the past month, numerous parliamentarians in the UK, France, and the US have openly advocated and called for their countries to impose an arms embargo on Israel. Last week, Nicaragua officially filed a lawsuit against Germany, citing “Germany's provision of military assistance to Israel had assisted Israel in executing genocide against Palestinians.” The Taiwanese people and its government shall not remain silent, nor shall we go against this emerging wave of justice and choose to aid a massacre that will be condemned for generations to come, all for short-term gains.
We understand the complexity of the history between Israel and Palestine, but the fact — Gaza civilians are face an ongoing massacre — is not complex at all. We understand that both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict suffered civilian casualties, and we firmly oppose all forms of attack on civilians. Opposing genocide is a fundamental moral stance. We refuse to be complicit in genocide, and we reject profits from slaughtering civilians. Borrowing from the slogan of Taiwan's indigenous movement: “No one is an outsider.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should cease its provision of resources to Israel, and provide humanitarian assistance to Palestine, including essential aid such as food, medical supplies, and education.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs should publicly disclose trade records related to the manufacturing of military equipment for Israel. Provision of funds, raw materials, components, key technologies, and personnel for the manufacturing of Israeli military equipment shall be prohibited. Additionally, it should cease cooperation with Israeli arms dealers in the development of weapons.
The Taiwanese government shall adhere to the principles of transitional justice and uphold the core values of human rights, ensuring that Taiwan does not become embroiled in this ongoing genocide.
2024 年 2 月 23 日,民進黨籍立法委員鍾佳濱發起「台灣與以色列國會議員聯誼會」,使得台灣與以色列得以進行更深入的雙邊關係與實質合作,這不但延續了台灣政府一貫以來對以色列的包庇立場,甚至可能將台灣中小企業收編為屠殺機器的一部分,把優良的台灣廠商與屠殺政權以色列媒合在一起。目前,台灣已經有大量廠商,包括伊諾瓦、榮鋼、精鋼、研華、圓裕、凌華、上銀、益捷、漢翔、千附、全訊、燁鋒、雷虎等,在為美國及以色列生產武器零件。也就是說,在加薩進行攻擊的 F-35 戰機、F-16 戰機、無人機、軍用電腦等,有極大機會都有「台灣製造」的部件與關鍵技術。台灣人所生產的零件,正被運用在加薩屠殺中作為殺戮巴勒斯坦平民、婦女與兒童的殺人兇器。
然而台灣人也應認識到在國際上正逐漸形成的趨勢:越來越多國家與社會都已經加入了批評及制裁以色列的行列中。在香港、馬來西亞、印尼、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、斯里蘭卡、伊拉克、黎巴嫩、摩洛哥、葉門、英國、美國、加拿大、西班牙、荷蘭、奧地利、義大利、瑞典、丹麥、土耳其、希臘等地,都有反對以色列施行屠殺的直接行動及遊行示威。而在 4 月 15 日發表這份聲明的同時,全球其他53個城市也在用各種方法抗議以色列,我們共同成為「A15行動」(A15 Action)的一份子。世界各國不論大小與國力,都正以不同的方式推動停火決議、並阻止加薩的大屠殺持續惡化。近一個月,英國、法國、美國都有大量國會議員公開表態並呼籲在本國施行對以色列的武器禁運。上週,尼加拉瓜正式提出針對德國的訴訟,理由是「德國提供以色列軍事援助,協助以色列對巴勒斯坦人進行種族滅絕行動」。同理,台灣政府及台灣人民不應保持沈默,也不應與國際趨勢背道而馳、為了一時利益成為遺臭萬年的屠殺幫凶。
台灣巴勒斯坦自由連線 TWAFP
Public Statement on Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights from Taiwanese Civil Society
Give Allegiance to International Calls for Peace; not to Israel’s acts of genocide.
Since October 7, 2023, under the guise of targeting Hamas, the Israeli government has launched retaliatory, indiscriminate bombings against the people of Gaza. In the following months, the death toll among Palestinians has surpassed twenty times that of Israelis. In response, the United Nations Security Council had passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire on March 25, 2024. The Israeli government, however, remained resolute on its warpath of massacre and indiscriminate onslaught.
Israel continues to violate international law
The diabolical scale of civilian casualties caused by Israel in Palestine drew intense condemnation from the international community. Since the commencement of the retaliation, at least 74,694 people in Gaza have been injured, and at least 32,333 were killed. Among the murdered, 13,000 of them were children, and 10,000 of them were women. The people of Gaza are being bombed, shot, starved, and left to die from illnesses. A 21st-century genocide is unfolding in this livestream of death.The Israeli military's use of white phosphorus munitions is a blatant violation of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The indiscriminate killings of children, journalists, medical personnel, and persons with disabilities further demonstrated Israeli infraction against established international norms, including the Geneva Conventions. The bombs dropped by the Israeli military in Gaza have destroyed numerous mosques, churches, schools, residential buildings, ambulances, hospitals, and clinics, turning Gaza into a desolate wasteland.
Israel has cut off humanitarian supplies, fuel, food, and drinking water, directly contributing to a crisis of fatal famine faced by at least 500,000 people in Gaza. Due to the shortfall of medical care and nutrition, ninety percent of children under five years old have contracted preventable diseases while others perished from malnutrition. The United Nations and its agencies, including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), have criticized Israel for weaponizing hunger, and have issued reports estimating that two-thirds of Gaza's population will soon face "catastrophic famine."
Additionally, by the end of 2023, approximately 2,500 Palestinians had been arbitrarily and unlawfully held hostage by Israel, without being charged or given any due process.
The 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) had defined genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." With a statement from Israeli President Herzog himself “They (the entirety of Palestine) have to pay (for Hamas)”, it is evident that “fight against the terrorist organization Hamas” is merely a façade for the true purpose of Israel: to uproot the Palestinian people from their homeland. Consequently, South Africa has brought charges against Israel for committing acts of genocide to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and Israel is currently under investigation.
Taiwanese enterprises have been involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict
Many Taiwanese perceive this as a distant war. However, our government is gradually involving Taiwan in this massacre. Since the outbreak of conflicts, the Taiwanese government has consistently sided with Israel: not only showing condolences and concerns exclusively for Israeli civilian casualties, but likewise donating aid and funds to Israel. On March 14, 2024, the Taiwanese representative office donated a sum of $500,000 USD to the Israeli local government. Meanwhile, the Taiwanese government has not issued any criticism of Israel's massacre and has provided no assistance to the Palestinian people.On February 23, 2024, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Chung Chia-pin initiated the “Taiwan-Israel Congressional Association,” incentivizing deeper bilateral relations and substantive cooperation between Taiwan and Israel. This not only sustains Taiwan's consistent stance of appeasing Israel but potentially functions as an integrating platform for Taiwanese small and medium-sized enterprises, and the Israeli massacre machinery. Currently, Taiwan has a large number of companies, including Enova, Gloria Material Technology (GMTC), S-Tech (STC), Advantech, Complex Micro Interconnection, ADLINK, HIWIN, E-JAT Aviation Technology, Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), Chenfull International, Transcom, Ye Fong Aluminium, Thunder Tiger, and others, that are producing weapon components for the United States and Israel. In other words, components and critical technologies “made in Taiwan” have been used in the F-35 fighter jets, F-16 fighter jets, drones, and military computers deployed in attacks on Gaza. Components produced by Taiwanese people are being used in Gaza in weapons that are slaughtering Palestinian civilians, women, and children.
Taiwan shall not go against the international current of peace, and shall refuse to become an accomplice to genocide
Taiwanese people shall be cognizant of the emanating transnational current of peace: countries and societies are converging waves of criticism and sanctions against Israel. In Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Yemen, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Turkey, and Greece, there have been direct actions and demonstrations against this ongoing genocide. As this statement is being published on April 15, 53 other cities are concerting a global protest on Israel, making us all part of the “A15 Action.”All nations, regardless of their size and power, are promoting solutions and exploring ways to stop this genocide in Gaza. In the past month, numerous parliamentarians in the UK, France, and the US have openly advocated and called for their countries to impose an arms embargo on Israel. Last week, Nicaragua officially filed a lawsuit against Germany, citing “Germany's provision of military assistance to Israel had assisted Israel in executing genocide against Palestinians.” The Taiwanese people and its government shall not remain silent, nor shall we go against this emerging wave of justice and choose to aid a massacre that will be condemned for generations to come, all for short-term gains.
We understand the complexity of the history between Israel and Palestine, but the fact — Gaza civilians are face an ongoing massacre — is not complex at all. We understand that both sides of the Israel-Palestine conflict suffered civilian casualties, and we firmly oppose all forms of attack on civilians. Opposing genocide is a fundamental moral stance. We refuse to be complicit in genocide, and we reject profits from slaughtering civilians. Borrowing from the slogan of Taiwan's indigenous movement: “No one is an outsider.”
For this, we demand
Legislators should uphold Taiwan's human rights values by ceasing to facilitate connections between arms manufacturers and Taiwanese companies. Legislators should actively engage in human rights and humanitarian advocacy with the Israeli government and parliament within the Taiwan-Israel Congressional Association. Legislators may withdraw from or oppose the “Taiwan-Israel Congressional Association” to express their stance.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should cease its provision of resources to Israel, and provide humanitarian assistance to Palestine, including essential aid such as food, medical supplies, and education.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs should publicly disclose trade records related to the manufacturing of military equipment for Israel. Provision of funds, raw materials, components, key technologies, and personnel for the manufacturing of Israeli military equipment shall be prohibited. Additionally, it should cease cooperation with Israeli arms dealers in the development of weapons.
The Taiwanese government shall adhere to the principles of transitional justice and uphold the core values of human rights, ensuring that Taiwan does not become embroiled in this ongoing genocide.