【2014 雪菲爾德紀錄片影展即日起開放報名】
2014年雪菲爾德紀錄片影展(Sheffield Doc/Fest 2014)將於6月7日至6月12日舉行,即日起至2014年1月24日止開放線上報名。雪菲爾德紀錄片影展歡迎世界各地的優秀紀錄片作品投件,有興趣的朋友別錯過作品在影展放映的好機會喔!
Film Submissions for Sheffield Doc/Fest 2014 are now OPEN!
Sheffield Doc/Fest will be held from June 7th to 12th, 2014. It's now accepting film and interactive project submissions from UK and international filmmakers for consideration to next year’s festival. Sheffield Doc/Fest accepts short, medium and feature length documentaries about any subject or on any theme, and encourage new interactive documentary films to enter. Submissions will be closed on January 24th, 2014.
詳細報名規定及方式請見 For more information, please check the website: http://sheffdocfest.com/view/submitafilm